Admin Panel
Project Logs

Project Logs

Project Logs is a recording system that allows administrators or authorised users to track project activities on the system. The following steps are followed to access project logs:

  1. Log in to the admin panel.
  2. Click on "Project Logs" option in the Logs (Check Log History) menu in the top menu.

The table contains the following information respectively:

  • Date: You can limit the project transactions for that period by entering a specific date range.
  • User: By typing the name of a specific user, you can view only that user's project transactions.
  • Project: By entering the name of the relevant project, you can filter only the transactions belonging to that project.
  • Type: You can select specific file operations such as upload, delete or update.

To sort the table according to the desired column, click on the relevant column heading.

You can export or print the filtered results using the 'Export (.Csv)' or 'Print' options above the table.