Navigating in the File Explorer
Folder Display
- To view a folder, double-click on it or press Enter with the folder selected.
Move to the Next Folder
- If you want to view a parent folder, click the back button on the left side of the toolbar or press Backspace on your keyboard.
Multiple Selection
- To select multiple objects at once, hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) key and click on the desired objects.
Sequential Selection
- If you want to select another object above or below an object, use the arrow keys ↑ or ↓.
Comprehensive Selection
- To select multiple objects above or below the selected object, hold down the Shift key and press the direction keys ↑ or ↓.
Interim Election
- To select all objects between two objects, select one object and then hold down the Shift key and click on the other object or use the arrow keys.