Control Panel
Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Enable advanced settings: This option indicates that custom/dynamic folder authorization and management settings can be done for users added to the project using advanced settings.

  1. Go to the project creation or editing screen.
  2. Click on the button next to the Advanced Settings subheading on the right.
  3. Check the "Enable advanced settings" option.

After these steps, rules can be added or edited for the project.

Adding Rules to the Project

  • Click on the New Rule button.
  • Specify a title (name) for the rule.
  • Set other rule settings.
  • Click on Create.

Currently, the only rule category available is "Folder > Folder Management." Here are the required details for this category.

Rule Categories

  1. Folder Type: Determines the type of folder to be created.
    • Fixed Folder: Creates a new folder in the project's main directory.
      • Folder Name: The name of the folder to be created.
    • Dynamic Folder: Creates a new folder in the project's main directory based on each user's tag information.
      • Dynamic Folder Name: Specifies how the folder name will be named based on the user's information.
      • User Tag: Specifies the tag information for each user to be included in the created folders.
      • Folder Permission: Determines the permission assigned to the user in the created user folders.
  2. Folder Size Definition: Allows defining size for the created folder.

Example Scenario

A school wants to set up a file system for sending and managing files for its students:

  • Class groups should be created for students, and each student should have a folder.
  • Each folder belonging to a student should have 1GB of storage space.
  • Teachers should upload files to a folder visible to all students.
  • The system administrator should have access to all student files.

For such a scenario:

  • System administrator users should be labeled as "teacher", "student", and "class name".
  • The system administrator should create a project for each class. After defining the necessary information for the project, the "Advanced Settings" configuration should be made.

Rule #1: Fixed Rule

  • Title: Documents Folder
  • Category: Folder > Folder Management
  • Folder Type: Fixed Folder
  • Folder Name: Documents
  • Size Definition: None
  • Authorization:
    • Tag, "teacher", "ADMIN"
    • Tag, "student", "READER"

Rule #2: Dynamic Rule

  • Title: Student Folders
  • Category: Folder > Folder Management
  • Folder Type: Dynamic Folder
  • Dynamic Folder Name: E-Mail
  • User Tag: student
  • Permission: "ADMIN"
  • Size Definition: 1GB
  • Authorization:
    • Tag, "teacher", "READER"

With these settings saved, a folder named "Documents" will be created in the project's main directory
For rule #1. All users with the "teacher" tag included in the project will have "admin" permission, and users with the "student" tag will have "reader" permission.

For Rule #2, a folder will be created for users with the "student" tag using the "E-Mail" information, and by default, students will be defined as "admin" in this folder. Additionally, 1GB of storage space will be allocated to this folder, and users with the "teacher" tag will have "reader" permission for this folder.