Adding a User
To add a user, follow the steps below:
- Log in to the admin panel.
- Click on the Users (Manage Users) menu in the top menu.
- Click on the Add User button at the top of the table.
- Fill out the required form in the popup.
- Enter the email address. An email address not already registered in the system must be entered.
- Enter the user's first and last name. The first and last names will be displayed on the list of individuals.
- Enter the job title.
- Enter the country information.
- Enter the phone number. The number should be entered with the country code.
- Select the default language. The language of the email content sent to the user will be determined based on the panel language selection.
- Enter tags. (Optional)
- Choose the user package.
- Share the temporary password with the user. (Optional)
- Send the temporary password by activation email. (Optional)
- Choose the type of Lps key usage for the user.
- Automatically activate the user's email address. (Optional)
- Specify the multi-factor authentication settings.
- Press the Submit button.
The temporary password is only required for the first login. After the first successful login to the panel, the system will ask for a new password to be defined.
After the registration process, the user needs to verify whether their email address is valid. To do this, the user must click on the "Verify my email address" button in the email sent by the system and take note by clicking on the "Show Lps key" button for the Lps key password.
The "Lps Key" link sent to the user's email address with the first successful login to the system will lose its validity.
If the user loses the "Lps Key" information, access to the account cannot be obtained. Since access cannot be obtained, it is necessary to delete the data or transfer data to a new account.