Control Panel
Project Creation

Project Creation

Follow the steps below to create a project:

  1. Click on the "Create Project" button at the top left of the File Explorer page. Alternatively, you can also access this section by going to Settings > Projects (opens in a new tab).

  2. Enter the project name and description in the project details section.

  3. Specify project managers by clicking on Edit Managers. (Optional)

  4. Select the individuals you want to include in your project from the user list. (Optional)

  5. Incorporate new selected users to the project without sending an invitation: When this option is selected, users to be added to the project will be directly added without sending invitations.

  6. All users can upload file/folder to the parent directory: When you select this option, all users can upload files or folders to the main directory of the project. If you want only specified users to be able to upload, check this option.

  7. Configure advanced settings. (Optional)

  8. Set a password for your project. (Optional)

  9. Click the Create button to create your project.

Users can only be added to projects from the user list. If the desired user is not in the user list, they must first be added to the list.

Users not registered in the system cannot be added to projects.

Invitations will be sent to users added as managers. After accepting the invitation, they will be added to your project as managers.