User Import/Export
By default, the admin panel allows adding or editing a single user at a time. For bulk user addition or editing, the downloaded Excel template can be used.
User Import
Steps for import:
- Log in to the admin panel.
- Click on the Users (Manage Users) menu in the top menu.
- From the Import/Export button group at the top of the table, click on the Import button.
- Upload the edited file and review the report file.
- Review the "New Users" tab and mark the necessary options:
- If you want to include the users in the system, check the "Include new users" option.
- If you want to activate the LPS key for users, check the "Activate Lps key for these users." option.
- Review the "Changed Users" tab and if you want the changes to be included in the system, check the "Include changed users" option.
- Press the Import button.
If there are any errors in the template, the Analysis Errors button will appear. An error report window will pop up, indicating the rows where errors were detected.
User Export
Steps for export:
- Log in to the admin panel.
- Click on the Users (Manage Users) menu in the top menu.
- From the Import/Export button group at the top of the table, click on the Export button.
- Define the default settings for the template:
- Set the Default Package, Language, and Country information. (These are the default details automatically assigned by the system in case of no entry or incorrect entry.)
- Decide whether to include existing users. (Including existing users allows for quick editing of users on an Excel table.)
- Press the Download Template button.